the : 25/03/2014
When I found out there was a video made by Matt Cutts about "how Google deals with paid links", I thought "WOW, this is veeeery interesting !"
Be fore launching the video, I noticed that it was more than 7 minutes long, and then I thought, "Great! a 7 minutes explanation on how Google consider a link is or is not a paid link, maybe with useful instructions on how a webmaster should behave to improve the positions of his pages, etc..."
Then I started watching Matt Cutts' video, waiting for good and reliable tips, and minutes after minutes, the end of the video was getting closer and closer and I realized I was still waiting for the 1st serious instruction.
The video ended and I realized how laughable the content was : Daddy was spending 7 minutes telling his children what "buying" means, the difference between "giving" and "loaning", and also how you should invite your partners for dinner (and also how you should not invite them)...
Unbeliveable video... Just watch it :
After watching this, as a citizen I really wonder if Google has not entered an era way beyond the worst scenario of Big Brother like alarmist movie.
As a professionnal, unfortunately, I have the answer to this question.